about us
Making Uganda the grain basket of the region
The Grain Council of Uganda (TGCU) is a non-profit, membership organization registered in 2012 and brings together key stakeholders along the grains value chain. TGCU strives to have the Uganda grains sub-sector becoming more efficient with effective players who will make Uganda grain more competitive.
TGCU is a platform for collaboration and coordination of activities in the grains sub-sector. It was formed to address the challenges that afflict the Uganda grains sector which include but are not limited to:
- Limited availability of quality inputs.
- Poor and inconsistent volumes of quality grain.
- Poor and inadequate grain storage and processing facilities.
- Poor Post-Harvest management
- Informal and unregulated grain trade.
- Non enforcement of grain quality standards.
A Uganda that feeds the region and is the preferred source of high quality grain in East & Central Africa.
Championing efforts to make Uganda the Grain basket and leading supplier for East & Central Africa’s grain needs through raising productivity, assuring food security and promoting regional trade.